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Celebrating Inclusion, Today and Everyday

Today, Special Olympics Australia recognises International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

Our community should be proud today - and everyday - for bringing the joy of sport to people with intellectual disability for almost 50 years.

Today, we don't just support people with intellectual disability to play sport, we also provide lifestyle and leadership opportunities which supports the theme of IDPwD 2024: Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.

At Special Olympics Australia, we are delighted to support athletes to become leaders and take on roles as: volunteers, coaches, employees, club committee members, Board members, public speakers, peer mentors and advocates.

This photo from our archives demonstates our long-term commitment to inclusion.

The photo shows the late Robyn Cook OAM helping a young girl over the vault at the first Fun and Fitness Day hosted by Special Olympics Melbourne Inner East.

It was 1977 and volunteers who hosted the event at Kew Cottages gave 900 individuals from 10 institutions a rare chance to come together to be physically active, have fun and make friends.

We continue to choose to include today, and everyday.


Athletes as Council Members

Special Olympics supports athletes to be leaders.

This is Special Olympics Australia’s Athlete Input Council (AIC). They are elected to provide input to Board and staff on topics that are important to athletes and the Movement.

All athletes serve on their State Committees. Kieran and Ruby are also on the National Board and Ruby is on the Asia Pacific Leadership Council. Ben has served on the international Board.

Athlete Input Council, 2024 (right to left from back): Lorraine Clarke (mentor, NSW), Harry Mezger (VIC), Keiran Corry (NSW), Toby Sutherland (SA), Sharon Muggivan (mentor, VIC), Gail Reece (VIC), Shane Cooks Reynolds (former AIC), Ruby Lawler (QLD), Ben Haack (QLD), Brooke McGrath (NSW), Susie Bennett-Yeo (National Coordinator, Athlete Services), Joshua Elliott (WA, not pictured).