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Meet Pete

Why did you get involved with Special Olympics Australia? Our son Craig has an intellectual disability and Special Olympics Australia gave him the opportunity to play sport. My wife and I then became volunteers.

What is your favourite sport? My favourite sport is football. Our son, Craig has played mainstream soccer since he was 5 years old, and he now enjoys being part of a football team at his Special Olympics club. I have coached his teams for most of his time. I played soccer when I was younger and competed in athletics.

Is there a particular moment that stands out for you? There have been lots of wonderful moments. Being able to see your child compete in a sport that he loves and to see him achieve and enjoy regular competition is very special. We have seen Craig compete for Australia at Special Olympics World Games in both summer and winter sports. The magic moments are always seeing athletes giving it their best.

How has Special Olympics Australia impacted your life? Our lives have been changed for the better. Special Olympics Australia has given our son opportunities he would never have had otherwise. He loves sport and we love supporting him to reach his best and have a great time. We’ve also created lifelong family friendships.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering with Special Olympics Australia? Don’t hesitate! If you want to get more than you put in, Special Olympics Australia is for you. Be prepared to smile a lot.