First National Games

21-22 November 1986, Launceston Tasmania

The Special Olympics Australia National Games were the fifth major competition held in Launceston in a period of seven years, the first having been the inaugural Tasmanian State Games in 1979.

In the official program of the National Games the valedictory states: “At none of the State meetings, shared by several Victorian teams, has there been a single instance of bad sportsmanship, or even a single minor accident.

In maintaining a uniformly high standard of good behaviour and responsibility athletes have not only brought great credit upon themselves, but also upon their teachers, instructors and parents. More importantly, they have won over many from scepticism to active support.

They have all been winners.”

Click here to view highlights from the official program.


Left: Local media in the lead up to the Games.

Centre: The official poster for the Games.

Right: Mark Kennedy Shriver with the Victorian gymnastics team.